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besky(2015/10/6 16:46:23)  点击:45444  回复:0  IP:117.* * *
英国爱丁堡大学招聘躁郁症方向访问学者、研究助理,交流访问时间1年。要求生物科学相关博士学历,有全基因组表达研究经验、数据分析经验。爱丁堡大学(The University of Edinburgh),简称爱大,世界20强顶尖名校,在英国乃至世界一直享有极高美誉。爱丁堡大学位于英国苏格兰的首府爱丁堡市,是成立于1583年的世界顶级学府,同时也是全英第六古老的综合研究性大学。

Research Fellow

University of Edinburgh

Bipolar disorder is a severe and disabling psychiatric illnesses that ranks amongst the top 10 causes of disability world-wide. Family, twin and adoption studies all indicate that genetic predisposition and environmental influences are both important factors, but the mechanisms responsible remain poorly characterised. This key position offers an exciting and challenging opportunity to contribute to research into understanding this illness within a 5* Research Department.

We are seeking a highly motivated researcher to work with induced pluripotent stem cells and their derivatives from individuals from a large family with bipolar disorder. The successful applicant will have a strong background in biological sciences and have undertaken PhD level studies in a relevant field. Extensive tissue culture experience, preferably in the production, culture, characterisation, manipulation and functional analysis of neuronal derivatives of induced pluripotent stem cells, is essential. Experience in conducting genome-wide expression studies, including data analysis is highly desirable.

You will work as part of a multi-disciplinary team, where you will interact with collaborators at a number of academic and industry research institutes and have the opportunity to be involved in student supervision. The successful applicant must prepared to work outside core/standard hours as required by the experimental plan.

The position is available from 1/8/15 and runs until 31/07/16.


爱丁堡大学(The University of Edinburgh),简称爱大,世界20强顶尖名校,在英国乃至世界一直享有极高美誉。爱丁堡大学位于英国苏格兰的首府爱丁堡市,是成立于1583年的世界顶级学府,同时也是全英第六古老的综合研究性大学。根据2014/5年的QS世界大学排名,爱丁堡大学被列为苏格兰首位,英国第六位,世界排名第十七位,被英国高等教育界公认为可以与“G5超级精英大学”(牛津大学、剑桥大学、伦敦大学学院、帝国理工学院和伦敦政治经济学院)相媲美的大学。与此同时,爱丁堡大学也是最受中国留学生欢迎的英国大学之一。爱丁堡大学产生过18名诺贝尔奖获得者和3位英国首相,并为罗素集团、Universitas 21、科英布拉集团及欧洲研究型大学联盟成员。截至2014年底,爱丁堡大学一共有超过32000名在校学生攻读超过600种学位课程,其中包括有超过12000名来自130多个国家的国际学生分别攻读本科、硕士、博士学位课程和进行博士后研究,且国际学生比例已超过37.5% 。这一比例说明爱丁堡大学是一所名副其实的国际化大学,亦是英国大学中为数不多的在校学生规模超过3万名的超大型大学。尽管如此,爱丁堡大学有一套非常严格的录取选拔机制,每年的新生录取比例仅为10%-11%,亦是英国大学中入学竞争最为激烈、申请难度最高的大学之一。

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