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英语学习:Take the weight off your feet 歇歇
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Rob: Hello, it’s Rob here.

Helen: And me, Helen. 欢迎收听《地道英语》. Rob I don’t know why we have to stand up when we present this programme – it’s quite tiring.

Rob: Really? I thought standing up would give us more energy and sitting down makes us a bit …lazy.

Helen: But I’ve been standing up all day, this is my only chance to sit down. 我想先坐下来!

Rob: Why didn’t you say. Here, have a chair, take the weight off your feet.

Helen: The weight?! Rob 说把重量从你脚上拿下来,这也太不礼貌了吧!Do you mean I’m heavy and my feet can’t carry the weight?

Rob: Helen don’t be so sensitive. I was being kind. It’s a way of saying, relax, sit down, especially after standing up for a long time. It has nothing to do with your actual weight.

Helen: Oh I see. Rob 原来是好意!To take the weight off your feet 意思是站了那么久,坐下来,歇一会儿。In that case I will.

Rob: Here are some other ways of saying it….
We’ve been shopping all day, let’s take the weight off our feet, sit down and have a cup of coffee.
Don’t walk to work today, go on the bus and take the weight off your feet.

Rob: Those are different ways of taking the weight off your feet.

Helen: I have to admit Rob, it’s very comfortable sitting down. I feel quite relaxed I think I’ll put my feet up too.

Rob: That’s another expression we use – to put our feet up. Again it means rest and relax and literally, put your feet up on the sofa, or in your case, on the desk – Helen you could have taken your shoes off!

Helen: Sorry. To put your feet up 把你的脚抬起来,这不也就是跷起二郎腿,歇歇脚。Ahh, lovely! Can we hear some more examples please?

Rob: Yes Helen!
You’ve been gardening all day, come inside and put your feet up.
After working for the company for 30 years, Jim has decided it’s time to finally put his feet up and retire.

Rob: If he’s retiring he’ll be putting his feet up for a long time. But Helen we’ve got work to do, so back on your feet.

Helen: 回到我的脚上! 我才把脚抬起来呢!You want me to put the weight on my feet now?

Rob: I’m afraid so. It’s time to go shopping.

Helen: Shopping! Why didn’t you say. Look, I’m back on my feet now.

Rob: That was quick. OK, best foot forward, off to the supermarket we go – left, right, left right…

Helen: 我们去超市?

Rob: Yes, the supermarket Helen. Bye!

Helen: (Groans) Bye.

Rob: Come on – left, right, left right, keep moving those feet.
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