英国贝德福德大学商学院(University of Bedfordshire Business School)硕士课程列表英国学子教育(2016/7/29 12:08:53) 点击:
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116.* * * 英国贝德福德大学始建于1903年,坐落在以伦敦、牛津、剑桥为中心的著名的英国学术三角区。这里也是世界高等教育的发源地。贝德福德大学拥有近16,000名学生,其中有近3,000名国际学生,来自世界各地。英国贝德福德大学是当前贝德福德郡最大的提供本科及研究生教育的院校,同时也为更多的学生提供了接受高等教育的机会。学校的课程设置广泛和专业,与企业雇主和英国公司紧密结合,为学生提供广泛的行业培训和认证课程。
MSc Accounting and Business Finance
MSc International Finance & Banking
MSc Financial Risk Management
MSc Financial Economics
MSc International Business
MSc International Business with Management
MSc International Business with Law
MSc International Human Resource Management
MSc Events Management
MSc International Tourism Planning and Management
MSc Marketing
MSc Digital Marketing
MSc Management
MSc Purchasing, Logistics & Supply Chain Management
MSc Sustainable Management
MSc Project Management
MSc Information Systems Management
MSc International Relations Management
LLM International Commercial and Dispute Resolution Law
LLM International Business Law
MBA (Executive)
MBA (Finance)
MBA (Hospital & Health Services Management)
MBA (Human Resource Management)
MBA (Internship)
MBA (Marketing)
MBA (Digital Technology Management)
MBA (Logistics and Supply Chain Management)
MBA (Oil and Gas Management)