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zona(2012/8/16 22:20:06)  点击:46164  回复:0  IP:219.* * *

Dear Compatriots and Friends,


On the red-letter day of the second anniversary of Hong Kong’s return to the motherland, the monument marking Hong Kong’s return to the motherland with President Jiang Zemin’s inscriptions on it is formally inaugurated. On behalf of the Central Government and the Chinese people of all ethnic groups, I wish to extend our warm congratulations on the inauguration and express our festive greetings and best wishes to the HKSAR Government, our compatriots and people of all circles in Hong Kong.


Two years ago today, President Jiang Zemin solemnly declared here the Chinese Government’s resumption of the exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong and the official establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administration Region of the People’s Republic of China. With the rising of the Five-Star Red Flag and the Regional Flag of the SAR over Hong Kong, the vast land of China was a scene of jubilation and people from all corners of the world were focusing their attention upon Hong Kong. A new leaf was turned thereafter in the annals of Hong Kong. It is the common aspiration of the compatriots of Hong Kong as well as the Chinese people of all ethnic groups to have this monument established, so that our descendants would forever remember the major event of Hong Kong’s return to the motherland in the annals of history and carry forward the great spirit of patriotism for generations to come.


The monument of Hong Kong’s return to the motherland is a monument of enormous significance recording the history of struggle waged by China’s sons and daughters in defense of national unification and territorial integrity. For over a century, the entire Chinese people including Hong Kong compatriots have waged unyielding and epic struggles in a most moving and heroic way for national liberation and unification of the country. Under the historical circumstances of China embarking on the road of reform and opening-up and winning momentous successes in the modernization drive, the Chinese Government arrived at a peaceful settlement of the question of Hong Kong through Sino-British negotiations in accordance with the great concept of “one country, two systems” advanced by Deng Xiaoping. This marked an end of the 100-year national humiliation and the long-cherished desire of the Chinese people to recover Hong Kong has finally come true.


The monument of Hong Kong’s return to the motherland is a monument of enormous significance eulogizing the great practice of “one country, two systems”. The past two years saw the comprehensive implementation of the policy of “one country, two systems” and the Basic Law. Hong Kong has continued to keep its previous socio-economic system and way of life unchanged, retain the status of a free port and an international financial, trade and shipping center while continuing to maintain extensive relations with other countries, regions and relevant international organizations. Hong Kong residents fully enjoy their rights and freedoms. Facts have provided eloquent proof that the policy of “one country, two systems” and the Basic Law is in conformity with the fundamental interests of the country and those of Hong Kong. It also conforms to the interests of investors of other countries and is the fundamental guarantee of Hong Kong’s long-term prosperity and stability.


The monument of Hong Kong’s return to the motherland is a monument of enormous significance featuring a new milestone of Hong Kong people starting to build Hong Kong as masters of their own destiny. In the last two years, Hong Kong’s compatriots have taken an active part in managing Hong Kong’s affairs with an initiative such as never seen before. The HKSAR Government with Mr. Tung Chee Hwa at the helm has managed various affairs of Hong Kong with sure and steady steps, coped with all challenges it faced with composure and succeeded in fending off the strong impact of the Asian financial crisis on Hong Kong, thus maintaining Hong Kong’s prosperity and stability. The determination and courage manifested by the SAR Government is guiding the Hong Kong compatriots in the onward march of overcoming difficulties and hazards have shown to the world that the SAR Government headed by Mr. Tung Chee Hwa is resourceful and fully capable of coping with complex situations and that Hong Kong people are sure to run their own affairs well.


The monument of Hong Kong’s return to the motherland is a monument of enormous significance recording the major contribution of the Chinese people to the cause of human progress and peace. Hong Kong’s return to the motherland has provided the international community with a successful example of peaceful settlement of outstanding historical issues between states and disputes. Peace and development remain the two major themes of the world today. However our world is far from peaceful, with hegemonism and power politics manifesting themselves in new forms. Cherishing peace dearly, the Chinese people will, as in the past, adhere to an independent foreign policy of peace and firmly oppose all acts in violation of the UN Charter and norms guiding international relations. On the basis of the five principles of peaceful coexistence, we are ready to develop relations of friendship and cooperation with other countries of the world and work to promote the lofty cause for the establishment of a new international, political, and economic order, which is fair and reasonable and the advancement of human progress and peace.


The monument of Hong Kong’s return to the motherland is a monument of enormous significance towering in the hearts of every Chinese. It will forever serve to console our ancestors, inspire the present generation, educate our descendants and spur us to make redoubled efforts for constant progress.


Fellow countrymen and friends, this year marks the 50th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. Over half a century, particularly over the past two decades since the reform and opening-up, earth-shaking changes have taken place in our country with marked improvements in people’s well-being, steady growth of our overall national strength and significant enhancement in our international status.

Over the past five decades, our Hong Kong compatriots have shared weal and woe with the motherland. The development in the mainland includes important contributions made by Hong Kong compatriots. As the motherland’s modernization drive makes constant headway, the economic ties between Hong Kong and the mainland will become closer. While Hong Kong will continue to play an irreplaceable important role in our country’s prosperity and strength, the sustained and stable economic development of the mainland will provide stronger support to Hong Kong’s prosperity.

同胞们、朋友们,借此机会,我愿意在这里重申,中央政府全面贯彻执行 “一国两制”、“港人治港”、高度自治的方针和基本法的决心是坚定不移的,支持以董建华先生为首的特区政府依法施政的决心是坚定不移的。无论发生什么情况,伟大的社会主义祖国都将是香港保持繁荣稳定的坚强后盾。我们完全相信,有“一国两制”方针的正确指引,有六百多万香港同胞的勤劳和智慧,有以董建华先生为首的特区政府卓有成效的工作,有全国各族人民和中央政府的大力支持,香港一定能够克服前进中的一切艰难险阻,以崭新的姿态进入新的世纪,创造出新的辉煌﹗

Fellow countrymen and friends, I would like to take this opportunity here to reaffirm that the Central Government is unshakable in its determination for the comprehensive implementation of the policy of “one country, two systems”, “Hong Kong people administrating Hong Kong”, high degree of autonomy and the Basic Law. It is unshakable in its determination to support the SAR Government headed by Mr. Tung Chee Hwa in its administration under the law. Come what may, the great socialist motherland will always be a strong backing to the maintenance of Hong Kong’s prosperity and stability. We are fully confident that guided by the correct policy of “one country, two systems” and given the diligence and wisdom of the over 6 million Hong Kong compatriots and the efficient work of the SAR Government headed by Mr. Tung Chee Hwa, and with the vigorous support of people of all ethnic groups throughout the country and the Central Government, Hong Kong will surely overcome all difficulties and obstacles on the way and enter into the new century with a completely new look and win many new successes in the years to come.


Thank you.

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