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英国女子遇车祸 80位过路司机冷漠拍照围观
summ(2012/8/19 21:17:54)  点击:46194  回复:0  IP:113.* * *
These are just some of the ghoulish drivers who were caught on camera slowing down to take pictures of a lorry crash in which a young woman was fighting for her life.


Police officers attending the 'horrific' accident on the M1 in Northamptonshire were shocked to see drivers crawling along the to get a better look at the scene and take pictures. The quick-thinking officers set up their own camera and recorded all the motorists on the opposite carriageway who used their phones while driving - itself an offence.


As the police caught the careless drivers, the 21-year-old female trucker lay trapped inside her wagon for four-and-a-half hours battling to stay alive. A staggering 80 people were seen using their camera phones to get a picture of the smash.


Police have now released some of the images and sent letters to the owners of the cars warning them that they were committing an offence and highlighting the dangers of their behaviour.


Sergeant Nick Gray, from the Collision Investigation Unit said: 'After completing our investigations at the scene of the collision, we were astonished to see so many motorists using their mobile phones to capture an image of what was a horrific collision.


'Because of how badly the driver was trapped, we had a period of four hours before we could continue with our work and after witnessing the number of people using mobile phones decided to use a camera to film motorists travelling on the opposite carriageway.


Sgt Gray said that in a number of cases the motorists who were caught taking pictures were using a company vehicle. The employers received the letters from the police.


He added: 'The employers have contacted us requesting more information so they can take internal disciplinary action'.


He said the Force had taken the decision not to prosecute the motorists in a bid to educate them about the consequences of using a mobile phone while behind the wheel.


'It is every motorists responsibility to make sure they follow the law and no phone call, picture or text message is important than risking your own, or other road users lives.'

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