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Venus(2012/1/8 20:21:42)  点击:49108  回复:0  IP:219.* * *

  I really need to balance my budget and handle my money better.

  ★ balance v. 平衡

  ★ budget n. 预算

  ★ handle v. 处理,管理


  Give me your credit cards. You’re living beyond your means.

  ★ means n. 收入

  ● credit card“信用卡”

  ■ live beyond one's means 表示“入不敷出,过度消费”。

  我想更好地控制我的开销。I want to control my spending better.

  ○ Why don’t you control your spending?


  ★ spending n. 开销,花费

  你需要更好地控制自己。You need to have more self-control.

  ○ Control your expenses.


  ★ self-control n. 自我控制,自制

  ★ expense n. 花销,花费


  You did spend too much, and most of the expense was kind of unnecessary.

  ★ unnecessary a. 不必要的

  我花钱一直大手大脚的。I have been spending too much money.

  ○ I can’t spend money in one place.


  我的生活开销超出我的底限了。I am living above my limit.

  ○ I have already spent beyond my limit.



  这要一大笔开销的。That’ll cost an arm and a leg.

  = That'll cost a pretty penny.

  = That'll cost a great deal of money.


  You know, money doesn’t grow on trees.

  ○ You should use it wisely.


  ★ wisely ad. 明智地,精明地,英明地


  Life is too short to him who’s always been saving money and not using it.

  ○ You can’t take it with you.


  ○ Don’t be such a miser.


  ★ miser n. 吝啬鬼,守财奴


  I have to control myself because I always go out and spend like crazy.

  ● like crazy“发疯似地,拼命地”


  Harry:Damn it, I’m running out of money again. I really need to balance my budget and handle my money better.

  Lily:You did spend too much, and most of the expense was kind of unnecessary.

  Harry:But I make it.

  Lily:Though, you don’t have to spend every penny you make. You could save some every month, like a lot of other people do.

  Harry:I work hard so I deserve to enjoy but that costs money.

  Lily:You should save in case of? an emergency. You need to have more self-control. What things did you spend your money on?

  Harry:The problem is that I have no idea. I didn’t pay attention?.

  Lily:Let bygones be bygones?. Start saving right now.

  花 销









  单 词


  deserve v. 应受,值得

  emergency n. 紧急情况

  bygone n. 过去的事


  “in case of...”意为“如果…,万一…”。

  例如:In case of fire, break the glass.(万一遇到火灾,就把玻璃砸了。)

  另外“(just) in case”表示“以防万一”。

  例如:Take an umbrella, in case it rains.(带把伞,万一下雨可以用。)

  He had his camera ready, just in case he saw something that would make a good picture.


  In case I'm late, start without me.(万一我迟到了,就不要等我先开始吧。)

  “pay attention (to sb./sth.)”意思是“注意(某人或某事)”,

  例如:I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention to what you were saying.


  They paid no attention to him.(他们不注意他。)

  “Let bygones be bygones.”意思是“过去的事情就让它过去吧。”,一般指不太好的事情。

  FUN 轻松:贴士

  Forrest Gump 《阿甘正传》(2)

  生活就像一盒巧克力。Life Was like a Box of Chocolates.


  My name’s Forrest, Forrest Gump. Do you want a chocolate? I could eat about a million and a half of these. My momma always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get. Those must be comfortable shoes. I bet you could walk all day in shoes like that and not feel a thing. I wish I had shoes like that.




  初学英语的人,常用expense来表示一切“费用”,其实expense主要是“花费、开支”之意,如:living expenses“生活开支”、daily expenses“日常开支”、travel expenses“旅行花费”等。在现实生活中,其实“各种花销费用”都有着各种不同的表达方法。下面就分类介绍一些较为常用的表示“费用”意思的词。


  Admission: บ for adults, ŭ for children.



  如:The bill listed the charges for all services.这张账单列出了所有的服务费。


  I sold you this coat at cost. 这件上衣我是按成本价卖给你的。


  Air fares have shot up by 20%.飞机票价涨了20%。


  The doctor charged me a fee. 医生向我收了诊疗费。


  I gave my barber a fat tip. 我给了理发师优厚的小费。


  Drivers have to pay a toll to pass the bridge.



  John took out a loan to pay his tuition. 约翰贷款交了学费。

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