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palm21(2012/9/28 23:07:53)  点击:45968  回复:0  IP:113.* * *
Speech at East West Center Conference

Gary F. Locke, United States Ambassador to China

Peking University, Beijing, China
中国北京 北京大学

September 1, 2012

Thank you very much, Karen, for the introduction.  And to all of you, welcome to Beijing.


I want to especially thank Mr. Gao from China Daily for your remarks and for your endorsement of the East West Center.  And I take it from your remarks that while you did study hard, you also enjoyed Hawaii.


I also want to thank Chairman Tsujimura and the President of the Association, Ned Schultz, for the invitation to speak to all of you.  It’s great to know that we have such strong partnerships between the East West Center with Peking University.  Beida is actually enjoying its first day of the school year and some 35,000 students are flooding this campus and the associated campus, and it’s great to see the parents and the students here.  Beida has such a great history of education and educating and turning out the future business and government leaders of China and indeed the world.


I want to thank Director General Zhang for her remarks and the great cooperation of the Ministry of Education with education institutions throughout the United States and indeed the world.  You are right, the future of the world depends on high quality education of all of our children.


I also want to thank all the great sponsors who have made this annual conference possible.  They’re listed here, but again, we want to thank China Daily and especially thank Beida for hosting us on this very very busy day.


It’s indeed a pleasure and an honor to be part of the distinguished roster of speakers at this conference.  I want to thank all of you for what you have done to strengthen relations between the United States and China.  I’m very pleased to be asked to speak here today at the East West Center’s International Alumni Conference because over its 50 year history the East West Center has served as the preeminent academic institution in connecting the United States with Asia, located conveniently in the middle of the Pacific Ocean in beautiful Honolulu.


We can credit the East West Center for much of the understanding between the U.S. academic community and scholars, professionals, journalists, and people in business and government from throughout the Asia Pacific region in China and elsewhere.  The United States Department of State is proud to have been a long-time contributor to the East West Center.


As others have noted, there are over 4,000 Chinese alumni of the East West Center programs and they are part of the network of over 60,000 distinguished scholars, leaders, and journalists and other East West Center alumni from 22 countries.  From Korea to Burma to Sri Lanka, many of whom are here at this year’s conference.


Actually I was looking over the roster of attendees and I think the farthest location that attendees have come include Canada, Germany, and Haiti.  So you must have really exciting, fun conferences to attract people from such large distances.


But we welcome you to China and we salute you for the ongoing role that you play in greater regional and global understanding.  There are many famous alumni at the East West Center including, as I’m sure all of you here today know, President Obama’s mother, Ann Dunham.


Much of the history of the 21st Century will be written in the Asia Pacific region.  That’s why conferences such as this, focused on community building and leadership in Asia Pacific, are so important.


The research you present and the discussions you have over the coming days will contribute to our understanding of the common challenges that we face in the region.  From education to the environment to good governance you will help us develop common solutions.


In the last several decades the Asia Pacific region has emerged as a key driver of international economics and politics, and it’s no surprise this region is known for its dynamism, its creativity and its diversity.


The United States has been a leader in this region for nearly 200 years and our presence in the Asia Pacific has helped maintain stability, foster economic growth, and create opportunities for all of its peoples.


The Asia Pacific is home to more than four billion people.  Three of the world’s four largest economies and some of the most vital ecosystems.  Taken together, the Asia Pacific region accounts for almost 60 percent of the world’s GDP and this region is critical to addressing nearly every international challenge that we face today.


Recognizing the critical importance of this region it’s no wonder that President Obama from the very beginning identified engagement with the Asia Pacific as one of his top foreign policy priorities and set out to substantially increase our investments -- diplomatic, economic and strategic -- in this part of the world.


That’s why Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has not only made many visits to this region but has also paid attention to nations in the region that had not been visited by a U.S. Secretary of State in a long time, if ever.  She’s the first Secretary of State to visit Laos or Burma in over half a century  On her upcoming trip to Asia, in addition to a series of important meetings with China’s senior leaders this coming Tuesday and Wednesday, Secretary Clinton will also be the first Secretary of State to visit Timor-Leste, Asia’s youngest country.


President Obama and Secretary Clinton’s goal is to contribute to an open, stable and just regional order based on norms and institutions that benefit all peoples and all nations.  To that end we’re reenergizing our relationships throughout the region, from our traditional allies to our friends in ASEAN and here in China.


Together we hope to develop common solutions to shared problems, leaving the world a better place for our children.


We’re committed to this region and our commitment is multi-faceted, reflecting the scope of our relations and interests here.

我们致力于本地区 – 而且我们的努力是多方面的,反映了我们在这里的关系和利益的广度。

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