

2015/6/10 13:56:31  发表于3399天前  227


排名 学校名称 教师和学生的比例
1 UCL 10.3
2 Oxford 10.6
3 SOAS 10.9
4 Imperial College 11.3
5 Cambridge 11.3
6 King's College London 11.3
7 London School of Economics 11.4
8 St Andrews 11.4
9 Liverpool 11.9
10 Southampton 12
11 Edinburgh 12.2
12 Leicester 12.2
13 Queen Mary 12.2
14 Warwick 12.6
15 Kent 13
16 Manchester 13.2
17 Aberdeen 13.4
18 Leeds 13.7
19 UEA 13.7
20 Bristol 13.8
21 Lancaster 13.8
22 Keele 13.9
23 Dundee 13.9
24 Surrey 14
25 Nottingham 14
26 Reading 14.2
27 Cardiff 14.3
28 Coventry 14.7
29 Glasgow 14.8
30 York 14.8
31 Goldsmiths 14.8
32 Durham 14.9
33 Loughborough 15
34 Sheffield 15
35 Stirling 15
36 Queen's, Belfast 15.1
37 Essex 15.1
38 University of the Arts London 15.1
39 Swansea 15.3
40 Royal Holloway 15.3
41 Derby 15.4
42 Birmingham 15.5
43 Newcastle 15.6
44 Sussex 15.6
45 Exeter 15.7
46 Edge Hill 15.7
47 Aston 16
48 City 16.2
49 Bangor 16.5
50 Chester 16.5
51 Ulster 16.6
52 Bath 16.7
53 Portsmouth 16.7
54 Brunel 16.7
55 Roehampton 16.8
56 Heriot-Watt 16.9
57 Winchester 16.9
58 Salford 17
59 Staffordshire 17
60 Nottingham Trent 17.2
61 London South Bank 17.2
62 West London 17.3
63 Brighton 17.3
64 Central Lancashire 17.3
65 Hull 17.4
66 Sheffield Hallam 17.4
67 Chichester 17.5
68 Oxford Brookes 17.7
69 Plymouth 17.7
70 Teesside 17.7
71 Hertfordshire 17.8
72 Manchester Met 17.8
73 Bradford 17.9
74 Bolton 17.9
75 Aberystwyth 17.9
76 Lincoln 18
77 Bournemouth 18
78 Northumbria 18
79 Huddersfield 18.1
80 Bedfordshire 18.3
81 University Campus Suffolk 18.3
82 Southampton Solent 18.3
83 Canterbury Christ Church 18.4
84 Liverpool John Moores 18.5
85 Middlesex 18.6
86 De Montfort 18.7
87 Newman 18.9
88 Cardiff Met 19
89 Anglia Ruskin 19
90 Bath Spa 19
91 Queen Margaret 19.1
92 Worcester 19.1
93 Strathclyde 19.3
94 Kingston 19.4
95 Liverpool Hope 19.4
96 Robert Gordon 19.6
97 Greenwich 19.6
98 London Met 19.6
99 UWE Bristol 19.7
100 Sunderland 19.7
101 Gloucestershire 19.9
102 Westminster 19.9
103 Northampton 20.3
104 Birmingham City 20.4
105 Edinburgh Napier 20.4
106 South Wales 20.5
107 York St John 20.6
108 St Mary's, Twickenham 20.6
109 Leeds Beckett 20.9
110 West of Scotland 21.1
111 Glasgow Caledonian 21.2
112 Abertay Dundee 21.4
113 Falmouth 21.5
114 Leeds Trinity 21.7
115 Bucks New University 21.8
116 Cumbria 22.3
117 Trinity Saint David 22.4
118 Glyndŵr 23.3
119 East London 23.6

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